August 13, 2019 @ 6:00 PM

The Tapestry Couch project is running again!

As part of the Open Inner West Cultural program the Inner West Council have facilitated the project to run again, this time at the Callan Park Refugee Welcome Centre.

The project ran in a similar way, with a day of storytelling between local residents and people who had recently arrived in Australia. Together they shared stories about the things that they wanted to be represented in the design.

This included stories and symbols of home on one side and on the other a scene representing Callan Park.

The Harbour bridge representing the journey here and a strong icon that many people had in their minds before arriving in Sydney. 

The tapestry was made during 5 months of workshops at the Welcome Centre, facilitated by Sayd and his wife Nazifa, and supported by Raffaela Cavadini (Community Arts Project Officer), Moones Mansoubi (Refugee Welcome Centre Coordinator) and Ingrid deMeyer – (Community Projects Coordinator).

Mehran and I then worked together to build the couch. This time I developed a design made form CNC cut plywood, with the intentino of making easier to run the project again!